Lecture in the context of the exhibition “ON AIR. 100 Years of Radio”
01 Jun 2021 · 6.00 pm

Barbara Picht: Stimmenfänger. Zeitzeug*innen im Radio

Venue: Museum für Kommunikation, Leipziger Str. 16, 10117 Berlin / online

Lecture in the context of the exhibition ON AIR. 100 Years of Radio (02 Oct 2020–24 Oct 2021) at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

Richard von Weizsäcker, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Ruth Elias, Ephraim Kishon, Therese Giehse, Yehudi Menuhin—journalist Harald von Troschke (1924–2009) interviewed them all and around 250 other personalities from the world of academia, politics, and culture for radio broadcasts starting in the 1960s. The result is an impressive audio collection: a who’s who of exile and the postwar period. In her lecture, Barbara Picht will guide us through this archive of contemporary witnesses using sound samples. Before the lecture, the curators will give an insight into the current exhibition ON AIR. 100 Years of Radio.

The historian Barbara Picht is head of the program area History of Theory at the ZfL and research associate for the project The 20th Century in Basic Concepts. A Dictionary of Socio-Political and Cultural Semantics in Germany.