Book presentation
22 Dec 2019 · 11.00 am

Ernst Jünger – Joseph Wulf: Der Briefwechsel 1962–1974

Venue: Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz, Am Großen Wannsee 56-58, 14109 Berlin
Research project(s): Ernst Jünger’s Letter Archive

An event by the House of the Wannsee Conference
In memory of Joseph Wulf on the occasion of his birthday
Reading by Hanns Zischler / Book presentation and talk with the editors Anja Keith and Detlev Schöttker

Among historians studying the persecution and annihilation of European Jews, Joseph Wulf holds a special position. Born in Chemnitz in 1912 and raised in Krakau, he survived Auschwitz and went on to become the first chronicler of the Holocaust.
He first contacted Ernst Jünger in 1962 and henceforth led a correspondence that lasted until Wulf’s death in October 1974. The correspondence, which was supplemented by several personal meetings in Wilflingen and Berlin, comprises about 150 letters in which both exchange their experiences of the Nazi era, the Holocaust, and their reappraisal. In many cases, their assessments are consistent, but there were also divergences.

The correspondence thus becomes an important testimony to the debate on National Socialism in the Federal Republic of Germany.

In German.

Admission is free of charge, please register at


Anja Keith und Detlev Schöttker (ed./eds.)

Ernst Jünger – Joseph Wulf
Der Briefwechsel 1962–1974

Vittorio Klostermann Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 2019, 168 pages
ISBN 978-3-465-04380-5