31 Mar 2023 · 11.30 am

Eva Axer: Diverging Temporalities and the Question of Change. On ‘Model Thinking’ in Literary Theory (C. Levine) and Climate Fiction (R. Powers, KS Robinson)

Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, Conference room of the Cluster EXC 2020, Raum 0.07, Otto-von-Simson Straße 15, 14195 Berlin

Lecture as part of the closing workshop of the Thematic Einstein Forum on Scales of Temporality: Modeling Time and Predictability in the Literary and the Mathematical Sciences: “Zeitenwende(n)” – Tipping Points of our Times? at Freie Universität Berlin

The germanist Eva Axer is deputy director of the ZfL and co-coordinator of the program area Knowledge of Life. There, she is working on a project on The Time Lapse as a Narrative Technique in the 20th and 21st Century.