Panel discussion
17 Feb 2023 · 7.00 pm

Falko Schmieder, Christian Voller, Sebastian Tränkle: Sprachkritik als Ideologiekritik

Venue: Helle Panke e.V. – Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin, Kopenhagener Str. 9, 10437 Berlin
Research project(s): The 20th Century in Basic Concepts

Panel discussion in the series “Philosophische Gespräche” at Helle Panke e.V.

Admission: 2 Euro

see website of the event

Sebastian Tränkle is a postdoc researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin. His book Nichtidentität und Unbegrifflichkeit. Philosophische Sprachkritik nach Adorno und Blumenberg [Non-Identity and Non-Conceptuality. Philosophical Critique of Language after Adorno and Blumenberg] was published by Klostermann in 2022. In 2021 he co-edited a commentary volume on Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory with Anne Eusterschulte. His journalistic work has appeared in Jungle World, FAZ, Tagesspiegel, and other media outlets.

Christian Voller is a researcher at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media at the Chair of Media Culture and Media Philosophy at Leuphana University Lüneburg; he recently published the book In der Dämmerung. Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Kritischen Theorie [In Twilight. Studies on the Prehistory and Early History of Critical Theory].

Falko Schmieder is a cultural theorist and research associate in the project The 20th Century in Basic Concepts. A Dictionary of Historical Semantics in Germany. His publications include the compendium Begriffsgeschichte und historische Semantik [History of Concepts and Historical Semantics], co-authored with Ernst Müller.