23 Apr 2022 · 8.00 pm
Irina Kissin: Sasha Filipenko: The Hunt
Venue: Literaturhaus Villa Clementine
Contact: Irina Kissin
Research project(s): The Short Life of Soviet Yiddish Literature
Moderation and translation of the lecture of The Hunt (Diogenes 2022) by Sasha Filipenko at Literaturhaus Wiesbaden
A Belarusian author who writes in Russian about conditions in Russia makes himself highly vulnerable. There is no question of “freedom of speech” there, which makes Sasha Filipenko’s novel The Hunt all the more courageous and important. In the book, we meet Anton Quint, a journalist with principles, who is messing with an oligarch. What follows is a hunt that pierces him to the core.
The Slavist Irina Kissin is research associate with the dissertation project Historical Narratives in Soviet Yiddish Literature.