Jacob Taubes
Organized by the Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink and Martin Treml (Research Project Edition Jacob Taubes) in cooperation with Dana Hollander (McMaster University/ZfL) and Arnd Wedemeyer (Duke University).
Taubes (1923–1987), philosopher of religion and of Judaism, subversive
intellectual, and the most extensively networked agent provocateur of
postwar intellectual life on three continents, accepted an offer to join
Berlin’s Free University in 1966, founding its Institute for Judaic
Studies as well as its Institute for Hermeneutics. While his regional
influence should not be underestimated and while he has had a continuous
impact on Berlin’s and Germany’s academic life, he is currently being
discovered internationally as a ceaselessly provocative and highly
original thinker. With the English translations of Taubes’s lectures on
Paul, his earliest book Occidental Eschatology, and the essay collection From Cult to Culture,
Taubes has joined the echelons of the “Theory” elite. He is being read
alongside Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Carl Schmitt, Walter Benjamin,
Gershom Scholem, and others. His work is being hotly debated in many
contexts, from political philosophy to intellectual history, from
so-called post-secularism to cultural studies.
We convene this
workshop as an attempt to collect these interests, but also to bundle
and focus them, and to contemplate Taubes as a thinker, historical
phenomenon, and exceptional intellectual in his own right.
Conference languages: English/German
Monday, 21/02/2011
Dana Hollander (McMaster University/ZfL) / Martin Treml (ZfL)
Weidner (ZfL): "Zwischen Judentum und Christentum". Jacob Taubes,
Albert Schweitzer, Gershom Scholem und ihre gegenwärtigen Leser
Arnd Wedemeyer (Duke University): Malediction and Verheißung: Jacob Taubes’s Pauline Curses
Michael Bartos (McMaster University): Text discussion: Two excerpts from Jacob Taubes, Abendländische Eschatologie (1947)
Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink (ZfL): Hans Blumenberg und Jacob Taubes: Korrespondenzen, Divergenzen, Konstellationen
Iris Nachum (Tel Aviv University): The Correspondence between Margherita von Brentano and Jacob Taubes
Tuesday, 21/02/2011
Kavka (Florida State University): Text discussion: Jacob Taubes,
"Theology and the Philosophic Critique of Religion" (1954), and "On the
Symbolic Order of Modern Democracy" (1955)
Nitzan Lebovic (Lehigh University): Taubes’s (End-)Time
Pareigis (ZfL): Beyond Law and Judgement. Susan Taubes’s Idea of a
Messianic Age in 1952 as Reflected in Her Exchange with Jacob Taubes
Amir Engel (Stanford University)
Text discussion: Jacob Taubes, "Die Intellektuellen und die Universität" (1963)
Palmer (Berlin): Freud vermoralisiert die Psychologie". Eine Randnotiz
von Franz Rosenzweig im Lichte der Antinomismusdiskussion von Jacob
Bruce Rosenstock (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign): Palíntropos Harmoníê: Schmitt and Taubes im liebenden Streit