21 Nov 2014 · 4.30 pm
Maria Kuberg: Kollektiv: Sprechen – handeln. Sprechakte des Chors in deutschsprachigen Theatertexten der Gegenwart
Venue: WWU Münster, Germanistisches Institut, Vom-Stein-Haus, Aula, Schlossplatz 34, Münster
Research project(s): The Chorus in Contemporary Plays
Lecture at the interdisciplinary conference Chorfiguren: Stimme, Affekt, Kollektiv. Neuperspektivierungen einer intermedialen Figur
The literary scholar Maria Kuberg was 2018–2019 research associate at the ZfL with the project Unity and Multiplicity. Epic Poetics in Late Humanism and Early Enlightenment and, 2015–2018 doctoral fellow with the project The Chorus in Contemporary Plays.