05 Nov 2021 · 11.15 am

Martin Treml: Blutige Fische. Menge, Messe und Gewalt

Venue: University of Siegen

Lecture at the workshop “Armut und Menge” organized by the DFG network “Dispositiv der Menge” at the University of Siegen, 4–5 Nov 2021

Martin Treml is a religious studies and Jewish studies scholar. At the ZfL, he was most recently head of the project Aby Warburg and Cultures of Religion. Since September 2020, he is on leave for a DAAD Visiting Professorship in Religious Cultural Studies at Ilia State University in Tbilisi (Georgia).


Further lectures by ZfL researchers as part of the conference:

Thursday 4 Nov 2021, 16.00

Maud Meyzaud: Viel Volk. Ästhetik der Menge in Georg Büchners Woyzeck und Charles Baudelaires Petits poëmes en prose

Friday 5 Nov 2021, 14.15

Patrick Eiden-Offe: Arbeitende Armut oder Armut an Arbeit? Überlegungen zum Surplus-Proletariat