06 Dec 2023 · 6.00 pm

Matthias Schwartz: Das Ewige Katyn. Der Streit um die Geschichte in polnischer Populärkultur

Venue: Universitätsbibliothek Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum
Research project(s): Adjustment and Radicalisation

Lecture as part of the Osteuropa-Kolleg NRW colloquium in the winter semester 2023: Erinnerungskulturen in Osteuropa

Slavist and historian Matthias Schwartz is co-coordinator of the program area World Literature and research team leader of the projects World Fiction, Post/Socialist. Eastern European Literatures and Cultures and Adjustment and Radicalisation. Dynamics in Popular Culture(s) in Pre-War Eastern Europe.