05 Oct 2024 · 4.00 pm

Matthias Schwartz: In a Lad’s World. A popular TV series and social media in the shadow of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Venue: St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University
Research project(s): Adjustment and Radicalisation

Lecture as part of the international conference Pop-Culture, Pop-Politics: The Digital Turn. Interdisciplinary Analyses of the Intersectionality Between Media, Cultures and Politics at the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University, 4–5 Oct 2024

Slavist and historian Matthias Schwartz is deputy director of the ZfL and co-coordinator of the program area World Literature. He is head of the projects World Fiction, Post/Socialist. Eastern European Literatures and Cultures and Adjustment and Radicalisation. Dynamics in Popular Culture(s) in Pre-War Eastern Europe.