Reading and talk
09 Jun 2022 · 7.00 pm

Paperbacks und PDFs

Venue: diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie, Crellestraße 22, 10827 Berlin
Organized by Georg Dickmann, Hanna Hamel

Reading and talk with Leif Randt and Georg Dickmann at diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische perpherie

Digitization directs our gaze towards surfaces. What has become part of everyday experience in dealing with the user interfaces of technical devices, whose underlying programs and circuits are familiar or accessible to only the fewest, is also reflected as an aesthetic phenomenon in contemporary pop literature; in Leif Randt’s texts in particular, the surface seems to be omnipresent both as a formal element and as an element of content. The minimalist internet presence of the online platform Tegel Media meets the rhetorically slicked and slightly undercooled lifestyle personnel of the novels. But what is a ‘slick’ text? What subjects drift on its surface, what do they observe, how do they live, and how does the future present itself to them? Philosopher and literary scholar Georg Dickmann talks with author Leif Randt about these and other questions.

Admission free.

The event is part of the series Spielräume der Gegenwartsliteratur organized by the research project Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature at the ZfL, which is held between April and June in cooperation with various partners in Berlin.