Workshop in Berlin
28 Jun 2018 · 9.30 am

Prophetic Politics as Alternative Political Theology. Pluralizing Horizons of Conceptualizing Religion and Politics

Venue: ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Seminarraum 303
Organized by Nitzan Lebovic, Daniel Weidner

The workshop – the third in a series of Prophetic Politics in Transatlantic Transfer – discusses modes of prophetic politics in the context of Political Theology. We suggest that the prophetic mode could be conceived as an alternative to the dominant Schmittian Model of Sovereignty. Turning a political theology to a plural shape, as theologies, allows us to broaden the conversation concerning the role of religion in the contemporary world. Furthermore, stressing the many facets of political theology via the prophetic mode implies a transgression of the Judeo-Christian discourse and enables the examination of political theology and the prophetic in Islamic tradition/s. Political theologies, in this case, could be used as a critical vehicle, working with and against the working definition of an »other.«



  • Nitzan Lebovic (Lehigh University), Daniel Weidner (ZfL): Prophetic Politics. Introduction


  • Tehseen Thaver (Bard College): Divine Sovereignty, Prophetic Authority and the Qur’an’s Commentarial Tradition. Some Medieval Illustrations
  • Fatima Tofighi (Berlin): Political Theology between the Messianic and the Prophetic. The Case of Shi’ite Reform Intellectuals Ali Shariati and Abdolkarim Soroush


  • Wilhelm Styfhals (Leuven): Politics of the Future or of the End? Prophecy, Apocalyptic Heresy and the Islamic State
  • SherAli K. Tareen (Franklin & Marshall College): Contesting Muḥammad in Modernity. Power, Politics, Political Theology


  • Elad Lapidot (Berlin): Heidegger's Hölderlin as a Prophet of post-Christian Political Theology
  • Menachem Lorberbaum (Tel Aviv): Can we Rethink Sovereignty? A Prophetic Pitch to Later Day Kings

18.30–19.00 concluding remarks


Ill. above: Red Prophecy. Painting by Kit Mahoney (Detail), Source: Saatchi Art


Nitzan Lebovic, Daniel Weidner (ed./eds.)

Prophetic Politics

Political Theology, Special Issue, Vol. 21, Issue 1–2 (2020)
Taylor & Francis, 2020, 168 pages
ISSN 1462-317X (Print), 1743-1719 (Online)