05 Oct 2018 · 7.00 pm

Samuel Weber (Chicago/Paris): Berlin, 1. Mai 1968. Ein Augenblick

Venue: ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum

Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (DLA) in cooperation with the ZfL

May 1, 1968 in Berlin has largely disappeared from collective memory due to the student revolt in Paris three days later. And yet, for one who experienced this day then, it retains a very special meaning, the scope of which is perhaps not limited to the eyewitnesses alone. Starting from Nietzsche's enigmatic determination of the »moment« in the third part of Zarathustra (Vom Gesicht und Rätsel) namely as a gateway between past and future the lecture attempts to make accessible something of this significance, which could also be important for the present day.

The lecture will be held in German.

Samuel Weber is Avalon Foundation Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University and co-director of its Paris Program in Critical Theory.
Publications: »Benjamin’s -abilities« (Harvard University Press 2008), »Theatricality as a Medium« (Fordham University Press 2004) u.a.

The event is part of the lecture series »Aktualisierungen. Die Gegenwart von ’68«, which the DLA's international archive research project 1968. Ideenkonflikte in globalen Archiven (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation) is organising nationwide in 2018.