22 Jun 2018 · 5.00 pm

Sigrid Weigel: Culture and Thinking in Transition. The European Intellectual Heritage of Aby Warburg

Venue: Kraftwerk Berlin, Köpenicker Str. 70, 10179 Berlin

Lecture at the Martin Roth Symposium What can culture do? (22–23 Jun 2018) at the Kraftwerk Berlin

Sigrid Weigel is the former director of the ZfL, professor emerita at the Technical University of Berlin and head of the projects Iconic Presence. The Evidence of Images in Religions, Epistemic Reverse Side of Instrumental Images, Neuro-Psychoanalysis, and Susan Taubes Edition.

Media Response

24 Jun 2018
In Stichwortgewittern

Ein Symposium zum Museumsmacher Martin Roth umkreist die heikle Aufgabe, über den kontaminierten Begriff Kulturerbe zu diskutieren. Article by Harry Nutt, in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 24 Jun 2018