09 Oct 2017 · 7.00 pm
Stefan Hirschauer: Un/doing Differences statt Diversität. Konzepte der Humandifferenzierung
Venue: ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308
Public keynote lecture at the 7th International Summer Academy at the ZfL 2017
Genealogies of Diversity. Contexts and figurations of a controversial concept
Since 2006 Stefan Hirschauer has held the Chair for Sociological Theory and Gender Studies at the University of Mainz, before he was a professor at LMU Munich, the University of Vienna and Cornell University. He is primarily concerned with issues of gender and sociology of knowledge, but also with qualitative methodology and praxis theories. Since 2013 he is Speaker of the DFG Research Group 1939 Un/doing Differences. Practices in Human Differentiation.
Publications (selected):
- Un/doing Differences: Praktiken der Humandifferenzierung (Hg., Velbrück 2017)
- Ethnografie. Die Praxis der Feldforschung (Ko-Autor, UTB 2015)
- Theoretische Empirie. Zur Relevanz qualitativer Forschung (Mithg., Suhrkamp 2008)
- Die soziale Konstruktion der Transsexualität. Über die Medizin und den Geschlechtswechsel (Suhrkamp 1993)