Material and Concept. Working Methods and Theoretical Relations of Walter Benjamin
Prize: Walter Benjamin Workshop for Younger Scholars
Funded by International Walter Benjamin Society / Walter Benjamin Archiv / Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin
Contrary to the rather narrow reception during his lifetime, Walter Benjamin’s work has generated widespread and international interest in the last few decades. Seeing Benjamin as a non-conformist intellectual, however, runs the risk of overlooking one of the essential characteristics of his work: his engagement with political organizations and social movements through a variety of media, such as periodicals and monographs. Interpretations isolating and idealizing “the thinker” do not grasp what renders Benjamin’s work most interesting today, namely his innovative work with concepts as a result of the intensive study of heterogeneous materials, including a vast collection of materials assembled and categorized by Benjamin himself, which provides the necessary foundation of his theorizing and is essential for its understanding. If his writings are only read as cultural, literary, media studies or philosophical investigations, this methodological aspect of his theoretical output remains unexplored.
This workshop is interested in the relation between Benjamin’s work with different kinds of material and its conceptual articulation. The point of departure will be Benjamin’s working notes (Arbeitskonvolute in German, which are elaborate and systematized collections) dealing with sociohistorical and political topics (e.g. the working notes of his Arcades Project E: Haussmannization, Barricade Fighting, U: Saint-Simon, Railroads, V: Conspiracies, Compagnonnage, W: Fourier, X: Marx, a: Social Movement, k: The Commune). These notes should neither be read as mere collections nor as a hodgepodge from which passages can be extracted randomly and integrated into a presumed theory. Rather, Benjamin’s method should be carved out by confronting both reciprocally: the material collections and sources, on the one hand, and the concepts and theory he developed, on the other. Besides the working notes, we will also examine other sources mentioned in Benjamin’s letters.
Furthermore, Benjamin was an avid reader of papers and journals. This aspect of his work merits particular attention because he adopted his style of writing, including the concepts he used, in relation to the specific context in which he published, while simultaneously intervening critically. Therefore, at least a cursory reading of those journals was inevitable for him to position himself with regard to their specific content and orientation.
Fri, 24 Mar 2017
18.00–19.00 Public Keynote lecture
Venue: Trajekte-Tagungsraum
Stephan Pabst (Universität Jena): Der sowjetische Goethe. Walter Benjamins Goethe-Artikel für die Große Sowjetische Enzyklopädie
Workshop (Participation only with prior registration on
Venue: ZfL, Seminarraum
Sat, 25 Mar 2017
Jan Loheit (Universität Jena/Frankfurt/O): Kurze Einführung in den Workshop
9.45–12.15 Panel I
Martin Hammer (Universität Hannover), Johannes Neitzke (HU Berlin): Hermann Cohens Theorie des Urteils des Ursprungs und dessen kritische Bearbeitung durch Walter Benjamin
13.30–16.00 Panel II
Nicos Tzanakis-Papadakis (FU Berlin), Manuel Disegni (FU Berlin/Turin): Vom Recht zur Geschichte. Benjamins Rezeption von Carl Schmitt
16.30–19.00 Panel III
Enrico Rosso (Universität Potsdam), Caroline Adler (HU Berlin): „Das Kreatürliche gerade dadurch sprechen zu lassen“. Benjamins Moskau-Essay im Kontext der Zeitschrift „Die Kreatur“
Sun, 26 Mar 2017
10.00–13.00 Panel IV
Konstantin Baehrens (Universität Potsdam), Sam Stark (University of Pennsylvania), Frank Voigt (Universität Osnabrück): Zu Benjamins und Lukács’ Kritik der II. Internationale
14.30–17.00 Panel V
Lotte List (FU Berlin/Kopenhagen), Anna Migliorini (Paris): Dialektik der Utopie – die ewige
Wiederkunft und der Fall Blanqui
17.30–20.00 Panel VI
Noa Levin (Kingston University/London), Georgios Sagriotis (Universität Osnabrück/Brown University): Montage. Kritik. Ironie. Benjamins Brecht-Rezeption
20.15 Abschlussdiskussion