07 Jun 2023 · 6.00 pm
Patrick Eiden-Offe: “Ich war Zeit meines Lebens ein Journalist”: Publizität, Popularität und Theorie – eine methodische Fallstudie zu Georg Lukács
Venue: Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Österreich, Geiwi-Turm, Erdgeschoss, Hörsaal 5 3/4
Research project(s): Georg Lukács: An Intellectual Biography
Lecture organized by the project “Prefigurations of Pop in Entertainment Magazines of the 1920s,” financed by the FWF Austrian Science Fund
The germanist Patrick Eiden-Offe holds a Heisenberg position with the project Georg Lukács: An Intellectual Biography.