Open Access at the ZfL

As a member of the Leibniz Association and a signatory of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, the Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin supports free access to publicly funded research findings on the internet.

Gold Open Access

Since 2022, the ZfL issues the open access book series “Literatur- und Kulturforschung” [Literary and Cultural Studies] at Wallstein in golden open access (first publication in open access). Since 2024, the articles of the dictionary The 20th Century in Basic Concepts are successively published in golden open access in the Schwabe Verlag’s e-library. Many other monographs and edited volumes are also openly accessible directly after their publication. Also, the online publication series Interjekte, the e-journal Forum Interdisziplinäre Begriffsgeschichte (FIB), and the contributions to the ZfL BLOG are published in golden open access.

Green Open Access

ZfL contributions from books published with Wilhelm Fink and Kulturverlag Kadmos are made available for Green Open Access two years after their primary publication.

ZfL Publications in the Specialized Repository CompaRe

The ZfL, in cooperation with the Specialized Information Services for general and comparative literature (FID AVL), makes its Open Access publications available in the specialized repository CompaRe on the publications server of the University Library Frankfurt a.M. The repository is continuously updated.

Search in the specialized repository CompaRe

Further Open Access Projects at the ZfL