Stefanie Burkhardt

Religion Erzählen
Mircea Eliades religionswissenschaftliches und literarisches Doppelwerk
[Narrating Religion: Mircea Eliades’ Theological and Literary Work]

Brill | Fink, Paderborn 2024, 268 pages
ISBN 978-3-7705-6865-9 (Print); 978-3-8467-6865-5 (PDF)

Literature and religion are related to one another in diverse and complex ways, especially regarding their production and reception of knowledge of the world. This is also true for the knowledge production in theology in an especially insightful way. This becomes evident in the example of Mircea Eliade. To this day, he remains one of the discipline’s most controversial and efficacious representatives. Mircea Eliade must be considered one of the most important focal points in theological debates on theory and methods. This study develops an interpretation of Eliades’ scholarly and literary texts, the latter of which have so far received little attention, treating both as equally important parts of a double work. The readings in this volume address the narrative and poetic structures of his texts, shedding light on the diverse intersections and interconnections between scholarly knowledge and literary imagination.