Zaal Andronikashvili (ed./eds.)
Vom Krieg zerrissene Kulturlandschaften: Nachdenken über die Ukraine
Sonderheft von undisciplined thinking
[War-Torn Cultural Landscapes: Thinking about Ukraine. Special issue of undisciplined thinking]
11/2024_issue 1
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Katrin Solhdju and Margarete Vöhringer, Göttingen 2024, 61 pages
DOI 10.47952/gro-publ-226
The 24th of February 2024 marked two years since the beginning of Russia’s genocidal war of aggression against Ukraine and its people. The destruction of independent Ukraine and the extermination of its cultural identity are some of Russia’s goals in this war of aggression. The publication of this special issue on the platform undisciplined thinking is a symbol of solidarity with the Ukrainians. Moreover, the issue explores questions that the Russian war of aggression has raised (again). However, we would also like to stress that there is no local or regional importance to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. It sets changes into motion that lead to major political, but also cultural shifts in Europe and throughout the world.
Table of contents
- Editorial
Zaal Andronikashvili | 2–6 - Erde und Trümmer sprechen für sich. Materielle Zeugenschaft in der multiplen Katastrophe
Elisabeth Bauer, Nikita Kadan | 7–21 - “Die Beschwerde gegen die Sprache” in der Ukraine in Kriegszeiten: Ein Gespräch mit Yevgenia Belorusets
Eugene Ostashevsky | 22–31 - Habe ich richtig gehört? Neuvertonung von Archivbildern in Sergei Loznitsas Babyn Jar. Kontext, 2021
Daniel Schwartz | 32–40 - Topographie und kulturelle Semantik von Land und Meer. Zum thalassischen Europadiskurs zwischen Schwarzem Meer und Mittelmeer
Sigrid Weigel | 41–56 - Joseph Brodsky und russischer imperialer Kulturmechanismus
Zaal Andronikashvili | 57–61