Carlo Barck Prize 2019 for Susan Morrow

Talk and lecture on the occasion of the awarding of the Carlo Barck Prize 2019 to Susan Morrow, recorded at the ZfL, 5 Aug 2021

Zum Schematismus bei Kant. Susan Morrow in conversation with Eva Geulen

Susan Morrow: Eine “verborgene Kunst”: von rhetorischem Verfahren zum kantischen Schema

The germanist Susan Morrow is Carlo Barck Prize Fellow at the ZfL with the project Schematism: Poetics on the Way to Kant, 1760–1790.

The literary scholar Eva Geulen is the Director of the ZfL, executive board member of the Centers for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Berlin, and Professor for European Culture and the History of Knowledge at the Institute for Cultural History and Theory of the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Video: © ZfL

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