“Die Stimme im Ausnahmezustand”
Documentation of the Annual Conference of the ZfL 2014

Lectures at the ZfL Festival and Annual Conference at HAU, 1315 Nov 2014

Are disturbances, borderline cases, and extreme forms of expression of the voice perhaps more numerous and consequential than its normal state? What does this then mean for the normality of the voice? The three-day theme festival explored these questions, combining scientific and artistic research.

Listen to the lectures (in German):

Radio programs (in German):

  • Die Stimme ist immer Ausatmung. Radio program by Hans-Jürgen Bartsch with lectures by Stefan Willer and Sigrid Weigel, in: DRadio Wissen,  Hörsaal Wissen, 13 Dec 2014 (56:01 min)
  • Eine geheimnisvolle Sprechmaschine. Radio program by Hans-Jürgen Bartsch with contributions by Doris Kolesch, in: DRadio Wissen, Hörsaal Wissen, 14 Dec 2014 (54:10 min)

Lecture audios: © ZfL
Radio programs: © Deutschlandfunk Nova

Die Stimme im Ausnahmezustand

The Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung has made every attempt to take into account copyrights of the individuals and materials used. In case of doubt, please contact webredaktion@zfl-berlin.org.