“Politisch(es) Denken im Anthropozän”
Online discussion with Leander Scholz a.o.

Online discussion on political thinking in the Anthropocene with Leander Scholz a.o., 5 Jul 2022

Since the mid-2010s, the concept of the ‘Anthropocene,’ which originated in the earth and climate sciences, has been circulating to designate a new age of the earth. It has been taken up interdisciplinarily and transdisciplinarily in the cultural sciences, humanities, and social sciences and has stimulated further conceptualizations and theorizations of the relationship between society(ies), nature, and the Earth. Recently, however, the concept of the Anthropocene seems to be displaced by buzzwords such as ‘climate change,’ ‘climate crisis,’ or ‘climate catastrophe.’ If the Anthropocene is understood in a broad sense, including not only anthropogenic climate change but also the massive transformations of the Earth’s surface caused by human activity resulting in the loss of biodiversity and ecosystems, the problems referenced by the Anthropocene concept remain multiple and urgent. In this context, the public panel discussion debates both the problematic situations and the discursive developments around the Anthropocene (concept) from different (professional) perspectives of political thought and discuss current theoretical and conceptual strategic potentials.

Participants: Petra Gümplová (Universität Jena), Leander Scholz (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung), Elmar Flatschart (Vienna University) and Elisabeth Heyne (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin); Organisation and Moderation: Lorina Buhr (Universität Erfurt)

Video: © Universität Erfurt

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