Soviet dissidents seen by the western 1970s / Советские диссиденты глазами западных 1970-х

January 21st, 2022 / 21 января 2022

  • Joshua Rubenstein: Soviet Dissidents: Their Struggle for Human Rights (Boston: Beacon Press 1980)
  • Joshua Rubenstein (ed., introd.): Anatoly Marchenko. From Tarusa to Siberia (Royal Oak, Ml: Strathcona 1980)
  • Peter Reddaway (ed., transl., introd.): Uncensored Russia. The Human Rights Movement in the Soviet Union. The ann. text of the unofficial Moscow journal A chronicle of current events. With a foreword by Julius Telesin (London: Cape 1972)
  • Peter Reddaway: The Dissidents: A Memoir of Working with the Resistance in Russia, 1960–1990 (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 2020)

Speakers / собеседники: Joshua Rubenstein, Peter Reddaway

Introduction to From Tarusa to Siberia [PDF] / Предисловие к От Тарусы до Чуны [PDF]

Languages of the videos / Языки видеозаписей: English, русский

видео на русском языке

Video: © International Memorial / Международный Мемориал

The Dissident Library / Библиотека инакомыслия

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