“Zwei Seiten der Medaille – Wo treffen sich Innen- und Außenpolitik?”
Panel discussion with Sigrid Weigel and Andreas Görgen

Panel discussion at Frankfurter Buchmesse with Sigrid Weigel and Andreas Görgen, moderated by Markus Brock, 17 Oct 2020

Where does domestic policy end and foreign policy begin? Shouldn’t these two sides of the same coin have long since merged into one common path? While many states closed their borders and introduced national regulations at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, a slow shift in thinking is now underway: It seems that good crisis management can only succeed through the exchange of knowledge and collective, solidarity-based action. How can domestic and foreign policy work well together?

Sigrid Weigel is the author of the ifa study Transnationale Auswärtige Kulturpolitik – Jenseits der Nationalkultur. Voraussetzungen und Perspektiven der Verschränkung von Innen und Außen.

Video: © Frankfurter Buchmesse

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