“Weapons of the Weak” in the USSR and Russia: from 1953 to 2023

12 Jan 2024 / 12 января 2024 г.

  • Vladimir Kozlov, Olga Edelman (eds.): Kramola: Inakomyslije v SSSR pri Khruschove i Brezhnewe: 1953–1982. Moscow: rassekrechennyje dokumenty Verchovnogo suda i Prokuratury SSSR 2005
  • James Scott: Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Yale: Hidden Transcripts 1992
  • Umberto Eco: Towards a semiological guerrilla warfare, in: Umberto Eco (ed.): Travels in Hyperreality. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1986, 135–144
  • Alexandra Arkhipova, Anna Kirzyuk, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov, Olga Christoforova: “Figa v karmane” i drugie teorii simvolicheskogo soprotivlenija, in: Alexandra Arkhipova, Darya Radchenko, Alexey Titkov (eds.): Gorodskie texty i praktiki. T. 1. Simvolicheskoje soprotivlenije: kollektivnaja monografija. Moscow: Izdatelstvo “Delo” 2016, 5–22
  • Alexandra Arkhipova: Net woble [No wobble / Нет вобле]. Russian anonymous street art against war 2022/23. A virtual exhibition

Speaker / собеседник: Alexandra Arkhipova

Languages of the videos / Язык видеозаписей: English, русский

видео на русском языке

Video: © ZfL

The Dissident Library: “Weapons of the Weak” in the USSR and Russia: from 1953 to 2023

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