“Cultural Producers in the Eurasia Region Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic”
Zaal Andronikashvili interviews Medea Metreveli

Interview as part of the online workshop series “Cultural Producers in the Eurasia Region Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic” at the Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 21 Oct 2020 (in Russian)

Zaal Andronikashvili, literary scholar, research associate with the project Literature in Georgia. Between Small Literature and World Literature, and professor at Ilia State University Tbilisi, talks to Medea Metreveli, former director of the Georgian National Book Center and organizer of Georgia’s appearance as guest of honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2018, about Georgia’s contemporary literary and cultural landscape and the Book Fair as a turning point.

Video: © Novinki

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