Start of the series “Spielräume der Gegenwartsliteratur”
Event series of the project Neighborhood in Contemporary Berlin Literature at the ZfL, held between April and June in cooperation with various partners in Berlin.
The ‘post-digital’ literary scene largely takes place online. The compulsory closure of venues and the shifting of readings to online platforms throughout the last two years has brought forth new forms of encounters while also intensifying the exchange between ‘digital’ and ‘analogue’ activity. At various locations, the event series addresses the diverse forms of contemporary literature in Berlin and online.
The first part of the series consists of readings, talks, and concerts in the accompanying program of the exhibition #neuland. Ich, wir & die Digitalisierung at the Museum of Communication Berlin. The second part addresses, among other things, fanfiction, new formats and role models within the literary scene as well as contemporary theater texts at various locations in Berlin. A scientific workshop at the ZfL discusses processes of post-digital writing.
Tuesday, 5 Apr 2022
- 18.00 Introduction to the exhibition
- 19.00 Mit, über oder gegen die Maschine schreiben?
Hannes Bajohr, Philipp Schönthaler, and Morten Paul, reading and talk - 20.30 Concert: Manu Louis
- 18.00–23.00 Special Guest: Mo Chan / DJ Kohlrabi
Tuesday, 26 Apr 2022
- 18.00 Introduction to the exhibition
- 19.00 Wie kommen Glitches in den Roman?
Elias Hirschl and Hanna Hamel, reading and talk - 20.30 Concert: Adi Gelbart
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
- 18.00 Introduction to the exhibition
- 19.00 Wann werden Posts zu Poesie?
Elisa Aseva and Hanna Hamel, reading and talk - 20.30 Concert: Alexandra Cárdenas
Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, Leipziger Straße 16
GLITCHES is a cooperation between the ZfL and the Museum of Communication Berlin as part of the exhibition #neuland. Ich, wir & die Digitalisierung (28 Jan – 5 Jun 2022).
Tickets: 6 Euro, reduced 3 Euro (online + booking fee)
Get your tickets at the museum or online at
Wednesday, 8 Jun 2022, 19.00
Spaces of Fanfiction
- Panel discussion (in English) with Sébastien François, Anja Schenk, Kaja Skowrońska, and Martina Stemberger, Moderation: Nebiha Guiga
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Chausseestraße 125
Admission free
Thursday, 9 Jun 2022, 19.00
Paperbacks und PDFs
- Leif Randt and Georg Dickmann, reading and talk
diffrakt, Crellestraße 22
Admission free
Tuesday, 14 Jun 2022, 19.00
“Sie verlassen den heteronormativen Sektor”
- Jayrôme C. Robinet and Christina Ernst, reading and talk
Kollektivbar ES, Pflügerstraße 52
Admission free
ATTENTION: Unfortunately, the event has to be cancelled!
Friday, 24 Jun 2022, 19.00
Tragödienbastard: Wo spielt das Gegenwartstheater?
- Ewe Bebenek and Katrin Trüstedt, scenic reading and talk
Vierte Welt, Adalbertstraße 96
Admission free
Monday, 27 Jun 2022, 19.00
Doppelrollen im Literaturbetrieb
- Panel discussion with Johannes Franzen, Christiane Frohmann, and Lea Schneider, Moderation: Hanna Hamel and Eva Stubenrauch
Literaturhaus Berlin, Fasanenstraße 23, Garten
Tickets: 8 Euro, reduced 5 Euro
Wednesday & Thursday, 29 & 30 Jun 2022
Wie postdigital schreiben? Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur
- Academic workshop
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstraße 18
Admission free
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