ZfL INFO 34/2019: Roundtable: What to forget? What to preserve? Politics of Digital Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe
What to forget? What to preserve? Politics of Digital Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe
In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in digital technologies and their influence on the production of memory, history and heritage – not only within academic research, but also in politics, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia. The tendency toward selective history, heritage and memory politics in the region manifests itself more and more in the digital sphere. Politicians decide on what will be remembered and how and their decisions shape the selection of sources, artefacts etc. to be digitalized. In this framework the question arises whose heritage will be secured by digitalization and whose not? Simultaneously, political decisions also aim to regulate the accessibility of digitalized heritage. Which materials or collections will be accessible, and which will be not? Moreover, the types of users are regulated through these politics as well. Our roundtable will discuss how concrete strategies, policies and the main actors are shaping and constructing this field in the region.
Eszter Gantner / Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (Germany)
Gabriele Freitag / DGO, German Association for Eastern Europe (Germany)
Daniel Weidner / Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Germany)
Peter Haslinger / Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (Germany)
Markku Kangaspuro / Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Zsuzsa Varga / Central and Eastern European Studies, University of Glasgow (UK)
Emilia Kloda / Museum of Lubomirski Princes at the National Ossoliński Institute (Poland)
Moderation: Gabriele Freitag (DGO, German Association for Eastern Europe)
Commentary: Eszter Gantner (Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe)