Dr. Gwendolin Engels
Publications and Academic Editing, Open Access, deputy ombudsperson of the ZfL
- since 2017 academic editor and open access officer at the ZfL
- 2015–2016 copy editor
- 2013–2015 freelance academic editor and translator (French-German, Dutch-German)
- 2012 research assistant at the University of Bonn
- 2011 bi-national doctorate (co-tutelle) in modern German literature in Bonn and Ghent
- 2010–2011 research assistant at the University of Ghent (Belgium)
- 2007–2010 research assistant at the University of Bonn
- 2000–2006 studies of German literature, philosophy and history in Bonn and Rouen (France)
- Gattungsdiskurs und Subjekt bei Michel Foucault, Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach 2013 [Rombach Litterae, vol. 193], open access: https://doi.org/10.5771/9783968216584
Edited volumes
- Im Fuhrpark der Literatur. Kulturelle Imaginationen des Autos, Göttingen: Wallstein 2022 (with Claude Haas, Elisa Ronzheimer and Dirk Naguschewski)
Translations (selection)
- Félix Guattari: Die drei Ökologien, Vienna: Passagen 2012 (revision of the translation), further editions: 2016, 2019, 2023
- Slavoj Žižek: Quer durchs Reale, Vienna: Passagen 2012
- Jacques Rancière: Politik und Ästhetik. Im Gespräch mit Peter Engelmann, Vienna: Passagen 2016