Prof. em. Carlo Ginzburg
Honorary member of the ZfL, Professor emeritus for European Art History of the Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Italy)
Since 2006, Carlo Ginzburg is Professor for European Cultural History at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Following his years of work in Rome, Bologna, and Lecce, he was the Franklin D. Murphy Professor of Italian Renaissance Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles from 1988 to 2006. He has held fellowships at Princeton, Paris, Chicago, the Warburg Institute in London, the Getty Center, the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin, Columbia University, and the Siemens Foundation in Munich. Ginzburg is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a corresponding member of the British Academy, member of the Accademia Raffaello, Urbino, and an Honorary Member of the ZfL. His work has been honored with numerous recognitions, including the Premio Salento, the Premio Viareggio, the Aby M. Warburg Prize of the City of Hamburg, as well as the prestigious Balzan Prize. Upon nomination by the ZfL, Carlo Ginzburg was also awarded the Humboldt Research Award in 2008. He used this award to finance several research stays at the ZfL.
Carlo Ginzburg is one of the most internationally renowned historians of our times. His philologically informed studies engage extensively with the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, but also extend to the present. One of the founders of microstoria, or micro-history, he demonstrates how an extensive analysis of an individual, an event, or a place can bring forth new insights into the ideas, mentalities, or cultural patterns of a given period. Whether Ginzburg is reconstructing the worldview of a heretical miller around 1600 based on documents from the Inquisition, whether he interprets Picasso’s “Guernica” or formulates broad epistemological questions on historical perspective, he always conducts his study of traces and images of the past with a detective-like precision. His works have been translated into more than 15 languages.
Events with Carlo Ginzburg at the ZfL
- Panel, 7 Jul 2009
Actors of History. Georges Didi-Huberman and Carlo Ginzburg in conversation - Wednesday lecture, 11 Jul 2007
Fear, Reverence, Terror. Reading Hobbes Today
Monographs (Selection)
- La lettera uccide. Milano: Adelphi edizioni 2021
- Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf. A Classic Case in Comparative Perspective. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press 2020 (with Bruce Lincoln)
- Nondimanco. Machiavelli, Pascal. Milano: Adelphi edizioni 2018
[Translation: Nevertheless. Machiavelli, Pascal. London: Verso 2022] - Paura reverenza terrore. Milano: Adelphi 2015
[Translation: Fear, Reverence, Terror. Calcutta: Seagull Books 2017] - Il filo e le tracce. Vero falso finto. Milano: Feltrinelli 2006
[Translation: Threads and Traces. True false fictive. Berkeley: University of California Press 2012] - Rapporti di forza. Milano: Feltrinelli 2001
- Das Schwert und die Glühbirne. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 1999
- Occhiacci di legno. Nove riflessioni sulla distanza. Milano: Feltrinelli 1998
[Translation: Wooden Eyes. Nine Reflections on Distance. New York: Columbia University Press 2001] - Storia notturna. Una decifrazione del sabba. Turin: Einaudi 1989
[Translation: Ecstasies. Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2004] - Il formaggio e i vermi. Turin: Einaudi 1976
[Translation: The Cheese and the Worms. The Cosmos of a Sixtheenth Century Miller. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2013]
Articles (ZfL)
- Getrud Bing über Aby Warburg und eine Philologie der Überlieferung, in: ZfL Blog, 25 Feb 2020
- Seitenblicke. Anmerkungen zu einem Brief von Machiavelli, in: Sigrid Weigel (ed.): Gesichter. Kulturgeschichtliche Szenen aus der Arbeit am Bildnis des Menschen. München: Wilhelm Fink 2013, 245–259 (with Christine Kutschbach)
- The Bord of Shame, in: Corina Caduff, Anne-Kathrin Reulecke, Ulrike Vedder (eds.): Passionen. Objekte – Schauplätze – Denkstile. München: Wilhelm Fink 2010, 19–27
- Vergegenwärtigung des Feindes. Zur Mehrdeutigkeit historischer Evidenz, in: Trajekte 16 (2008): Figuren des Wissens, 7–17
- Auerbach und Dante: Eine Verlaufbahn, in: Karlheinz Barck, Martin Treml (eds.): Erich Auerbach. Geschichte und Aktualität eines europäischen Philologen. Berlin: Kadmos 2007
- Das Nachäffen der Natur. Reflexionen über eine mittelalterliche Metapher, in: Anne-Kathrin Reulecke (ed.): Fälschungen. Zu Autorschaft und Beweis in Wissenschaften und Künsten. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2006, 95–122
- Familienähnlichkeiten und Stammbäume. Zwei kognitive Metaphern, in: Sigrid Weigel, Stefan Willer, Ohad Parnes, Ulrike Vedder (eds.): Generation. Zur Genealogie des Konzepts – Konzepte von Genealogie. München: Wilhelm Fink 2005, 267–289
- Spie. Radici di un paradigma indiziaro, in: Aldo Gargani (ed.): Crisis della ragione. Turin: Einaudi 1979, 57–106
Photo: © Amélie Losier