Dr. Nebiha Guiga


Research Interests

  • History of shipwrecks
  • History of Lifesaving at sea
  • Military history
  • History of military surgery
  • Napoleonic wars
  • Historical anthropology
  • Oral History


  • Between labour and moral duty: social conflicts, volunteer work and the moral economy of life-boating in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (1850–1914), in: Labor History, [early access article] (2023) [online]
  • Pérignon, in François Houdececk (ed.): Maréchaux d'Empire. La gloire pour destin. Paris: Passés Composés 2023, 452-465
  • Nebiha Guiga, Aurélien Portelli, Les récits du radeau de la méduse : l’histoire d’une situation extrême au prisme des violences et des sorties de guerre, in: Napoleonica. La Revue, 46 (2023), 139-165 [online]
  • Production, diffusion et usages des données chirurgicales pendant les guerres napoléoniennes. Constructions du savoir entre cas et séries en contexte guerrier [Production, dissemination and uses of surgical data during the Napoleonic Wars: knowledge constructions based on cases and series in a war-related context], in: Histoire Médecine Santé, 22 (2022), 69-86 [online]
  • Sozialen Lebenswelten und der allgemeine Humanitarianismus [Social worlds and the generality of Humanitarianism], in: ZfL Blog, 6.12.2022 [online]
  • Die Schlacht bei Ebelsberg durch die fünf Sinne – Versuch einer Geschichte der Sinne, in: Johannes Bosch, Jakob Fesenbeckh, Katja Patzel-Mattern (eds.): Studienbuch Körpergeschichte. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS 2022, 113-124 [online]
  • Jakob Fesenbeckh, Nebiha Guiga: Geschichte der Sinne, in: Johannes Bosch, Jakob Fesenbeckh, Katja Patzel-Mattern (eds.): Studienbuch Körpergeschichte. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS 2022, 105-112 [online]
  • Jean-Philippe Miller-Tremblay, Nebiha Guiga: „Körpertechniken“ – Marcel Mauss‘ Annäherungen an den bio-psycho-sozialen Körper, in: Johannes Bosch, Jakob Fesenbeckh, Katja Patzel-Mattern (eds.): Studienbuch Körpergeschichte. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS 2022, 85-92 [online]
  • Review of: Maria Goupil-Travert: Braves combattantes,humbles héroïnes. Trajectoires et mémoires desengagées volontaires de la Révolution et de l’Empire,Rennes,Presses universitaires de Rennes 2021,211 p., in: Francia Recensio, 2022/1 (2022) [online]
  • Épidemies, routes d'évacuations et implications des sociétés civiles dans les guerres napoléoniennes (1805-1813), in: Revue Historique des Armées, 303 (2021), 28-35
  • Review of: Michel Kerautret: Eugène de Beauharnais, Fils et Vice-Roi de Napoléon, Tallandier, Paris 2021, 380p., in: Francia Recensio, 2021/2 (2021), [online]
  • Everyday life, organization and supplies management: military hospitals in and around Vienna during the 1809 campaign in Austria, in: Artur Dirmeier, Mark Spoerer (eds.): Spital und Wirtschaft in der Vormoderne Sozial-karitative Institutionen und ihre Rechnungslegung als Quelle für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Regensburg: Pustet 2020, 153-166
  • Raconter la blessure: entre mort de masse et expérience individuelle, l'exemple de la campagne de 1809 (armée napoléonienne, armée autrichienne)’[About battle wounds: between mass death and personal experience. The example of the 1809 campaign(French and Austrian armies)],in: Walter Bruyère-Ostells, Benoît Pouget, Michel Signoli (eds.): Des chairs et des larmes. Combattre, souffrir, mourir dans les guerres de la révolution et de l'Empire 1792-1815. Marseille: Publication Université Provence 2020, 243-253
  • Les officiers de santé à l’époque napoléonienne, quelle identité militaire ? Armées napoléonienne et autrichienne. [Military health officers in the Napoleonic era, which military identity?], in: Hervé Drévillon, Edouard Ebel (Hg.): Symboliques, Traditions et Identités Militaires, Paris: SHD, 2020, 151-160
  • To be wounded in battle and healed in Napoleonic Europe (PhD project), in: Portal Militärgeschichte (2018) [online]
  • Refuser l'amputation dans l'Europe napoléonienne [Refusing amputation in Napoleonic Europe],in: Trajectoires 11 (2018), [online]


  • Violence sur les blessés en contexte non-insurrectionnel pendant les guerres napoléoniennes, conference "Illegitimate violence during the French Revolutionary and Napoelonic Wars (1792-1815)", Salzburgn 22-24.2.2024
  • Social conflicts and volunteer work in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (1850-1914), conference "34th Irish Conference of Historians / 4th annual conference of the Centre for Public History", Belfast, 15-16.9.2023
  • Risk, courage and gender: an exploration of gender roles in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution since 1824, conference "European Social Science History Conference", Göteborg, 12-15.4.2023
  • Imaginaries of Lifeboating in the BBC Series ‘Saving Lives at Sea’: narratives and visual constructions of danger and heroism in historical perspective (with Aurélien Portelli), conference "Social Imaginaries of Emergency Situations at Sea since 1800", Sophia-Antipolis, 29-31.3.2023
  • Souvenirs de guerre, violences et sortie de guerre sur le radeau de la Méduse, conference "War Times in the 18th Century, Perception and Memory", Graz, 19-21.9.2022
  • Faces of War 1809. Soldiers, Civilian, Surgeons, Seminar of the Austrian Academy of Sciences,Vienna, 14.2.2022
  • Piles of limbs and human souls:Disgust and distancing towards wounded soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars, Workshop "Ugh! Disgust, Repugnant Matters and the Construction of Difference, c.1700-1900", York St John University und Universität Rostock, 3-4.12.2021
  • Comment l’étude des services de santé et des blessures peut changer l’histoire de la Guerre? L’étude comparée entre Autrichiens et Français entre 1805 et 1813, conference "Les Guerres Napoléoniennes dans l’histoire: de 1815 à nos jours. Historiographie et apports à l’histoire de la guerre", Musée de l'Armée Paris, 1.12.2021
  • The Emotions of Surgery on Napoleonic Battlefields, conference "War Medecine and Emotion", National Army Museum London, 24-25.11.2021
  • To be wounded in battle and healed in Napoleonic Europe (1805-1813), conference "New Outlooks on the Napoleonic Empire – Young Napoleonists’ Conference in the Bicentenary of Napoleon’s Death (1821-2021)", Maison Française d'Oxford, 27-28.9.2021
  • Die Versorgung verwundeter Soldaten während der napoleonischen Kriege
    (1805-1813), Seminar "Was ist Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt?", Universität der Bundeswehr
    München, 16.6.2021
  • How did the terrain of the battlefield shape wounded soldier’s access to first aid during the Napoleonic wars?, conference "Theatres of War", Lancaster, 8-9.11.2019
  • Healing outside of military hospitals in European armies of the napoleonic era: bakers, musicians and nuns (1805-1813), conference  "British Society for the History of science,  Postgraduate Conference", Cambridge, 10-12.4.2019
  • Workshop "European History across Boundaries", Oxford, 13-15.3.2019
  • La caractérisation des mémoires de militaires des guerres napoléoniennes comme documents publics ou privés par leurs auteurs : études de préfaces, conference "CIERA-Junior Colloquium, Private Dokumente, öffentliche Dokumente –archivarische Klassifikation oder soziales Problem?", EHESS Paris, 21.09.2018
  • Treating wounded men on the battlefield in the Napoleonic era: theoretical discussions, technical solutions and organizational difficulties, conference "59. International Tagung fur Militärgeschichte : Wissenschaft | Krieg |Technik | Militär Zur Vermessung komplexer Verhältnisse", Zentrum fur Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr Postdam, 11-13.09.2018
  • Rencontres entre militaires blessés et civils à l'époque napoléonienne, conference "War as contact zone in the 19th Century", Institut d'Etudes Avancées/Institut Historique Allemand Paris, 28-29.06.2018
  • The necessity and difficulties of a transnational point of view in napoleonic military history. The example of the 1809 campaign in Southern Germany and Austria, conference "International Graduate Historical Studies Conference", Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant (USA), 01.04.2017
  • La place de l'armement dans l'expérience du combat, l'exemple de la campagne de 1809, conference "Défense et sciences sociale", EHESS Paris, 08.03.2016



  • 2024: Master-Seminar, 'Autobiographical war narratives (18th-20th Centuries), Humboldt Universität, Berlin
  • 2022: Master-Seminar, 'Doctor-patient relationships in Europe (1750-1850)', Humboldt University, Berlin
  • 2017-2018: T.A. for the CPES Bachelor Course, ‘Introduction to Global History’ (Prof: Philippe Masanet), Lycée Henri IV, Paris
  • 2017-2018: PhD Students Seminar (co-organizer), ‘Justice and Social Sciences’, EHESS, Paris