Lukas Laier

Research team member in the project Edition der Werke Hermann Borchardts


  • since 2023: Research associate at the Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research: Edition of the works of Hermann Borchardt
  • 2020–2022: Research associate at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University of Berlin, Edition of the works of Hermann Borchardt (project funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation)
  • 2016–2020: MA Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University of Berlin
  • 2015–2020: Student assistant at Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Division Communication History and Media Cultures, Free University of Berlin
  • 2011–2016: BA Media and Communication Studies English and Language and Literature, Free University of Berlin

Research Interests

Literature of German Exile 1933–1945



  • Hermann Borchardt: Werke, Bd. 2: Stücke. Göttingen: Wallstein 2022 (Co-edited by Hermann Haarmann and Christoph Hesse)
  • Hermann Borchardt: Werke, Bd. 1: Autobiographische Schriften. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021 (Co-edited by Hermann Haarmann and Christoph Hesse)
  • Hermann Borchardt/George Grosz: »Lass uns das Kriegsbeil begraben!« Der Briefwechsel. Göttingen: Wallstein 2019 (Co-edited by Hermann Haarmann and Christoph Hesse)

Essays & Articles

  • Hermann Borchardt, der "Unterirdische": Vom Mitarbeiter Brechts zum Ghostwriter Tollers, in: Lydia Mühlbach/Kirsten Reimers/Thorsten Unger (eds.), Bertolt Brecht und Ernst Toller, Stuttgart: Metzler (co-author Christoph Hesse, will be published in summer 2024)
  • Edieren aus dem Nachlass. Zur Werkausgabe Hermann Borchardts, in: ZfL Blog, 6.11.2023
  • »Das klingt doch nicht nach Toller!« Hermann Borchardt schrieb als Ghostwriter an Ernst Tollers »Pastor Hall« mit, in: Jungle World (2022/48).
  • »Unter dem Saturn geboren«: Hermann Borchardt, Afterword, in: Hermann Borchardt: Werke, Bd. 1: Autobiographische Schriften, Edited by Hermann Haarmann, Christoph Hesse and Lukas Laier. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021, S. 329–350.