Jenaba Samura
Research team member in the project Black Narratives of Transcultural Appropriation: Constructing Afropean Worlds, Questioning European Foundations
Since 2024: Academic Assistant (Graduate Researcher) at the Leibniz-Institut für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin
2020-2022: MA Postcolonial Studies at SOAS University, London
2016-2020: BA Gender Studies and Cultural Anthrologoly at Georg-August University, Göttingen
Research Interests
- Black German Literature
- Afropea /Black Europe
- German Colonial Histories
- Imaginations of Black Sexuality and Gender Constructions in the Colonial Discurs
- Pre-Colonial Constructions of Gender
- Colonial Trauma and the effects of rasicm on mental health
We are in misery – Racism and Mental Health, in: BER (Hg.): Allgegenwärtigkeit von Kolonialismus in Themen globaler Ungerechtigkeit (2022), 51-54
“Bearing the collective”: The Politics of Race and Gender in German settler colonialism (1884-1914), London: SOAS University 2022
Black Fatigue, in: Evein Obulor (Hg.): Black in Capital Letters. München: & Töchter 2021, 99–106
The unmarked white Woman. Politics of Race, Gender and Population Control in German Colonial Policies, Göttingen: University of Göttingen 2020
SuSe 2019: Doing Anthropology Critically - Postcolonial & Feminist Perspectives on Anthropology in Theory and Practice (Seminar), University of Göttingen, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and The Ethnographic Collection