Post-Global Aesthetics
A text on the project will follow shortly!
Head researcher(s): Alexis Radisoglou
Alexis Radisoglou
previously published articles on Post-Globality:
- Anthropocene Realism: On Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s Erde and the Limits of a Cumulative Aesthetic, in: Austrian Studies 30 (2022), 47–62
- Ethnoplanetarity as Postglobality: Four Theses and a Postscript on a Contemporary Decolonial Constellation, in: Gesine Müller, Benjamin Loy (eds.): Postglobal Aesthetics: 21st Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter 2022, 29–44
- Introduction: Figuring the Planet: Post-Global Perspectives on German Literature, in: The Germanic Review 97.2 (2022), special issue: Figuring the Planet: Post-Global Perspectives on German Literature, ed. by Alexis Radisoglou and Christoph Schaub, 125–133 (with Christoph Schaub)