Style and Kitsch around 1900
“It is a poison admixted to all art.” With this view, Theodor W. Adorno rejects the idea that kitsch is the opposite of art. This idea leads back to numerous discussions about style around 1900, in which concepts of appropriate literary and artistic style were juxtaposed to the mass production of cheap cultural goods—put simply, against “that kitsch” (Stemmle, 1931). The discourses on style and kitsch, however, have had many historical points of contact: While the ability to imitate was regarded as an essential criterion of “good style” in the discourse around 1800, it was precisely this quality that, around 1900, labeled kitsch as epigonal and lacking originality. The relationship between subjective artistic expression and objective reference to reality was also negotiated in both discourses, whereby their reconciliation was regarded as the highest form in the art discourse, while kitsch’s tendency to harmonize was disqualified as a pure sales strategy, declared to be the “utmost antithesis of the artistically sophisticated quality work” (Pazaurek, 1912).
This project explored the connection between style, Aestheticism, Art Nouveau, kitsch and advertising. It was guided by the assumption that the “determination for style” (Wustmann, 1915) observed at the turn of the century is to be understood as a reaction to mass production and popular fiction, thus as a conscious attempt to define and distinguish. In addition, through analysis of the cult of beauty and health, and the glorification of the youth, as well as an examination of the ornamental, decorative, and surface aesthetic, the project aimed to show how kitsch has been integrated into art, literature, and advertising. Thus, the discussions about an appropriate style may not be understood at all without the discourse on kitsch. This assertion opens up the possibility of describing modernist style discourses beyond epochal and individual styles.
Fig. above: Annalise Batista. Source: Pixabay.
Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur
Themenheft von Sprache und Literatur
Adornos Lächeln
Das »Glück am Ästhetischen« in seinen literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Essays
Pola Groß
- Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno, in: Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Gabriele Geml, Nikolaus Urbanek (eds.): Worte ohne Lieder. Von der Sprachästhetik zur ästhetischen Theorie in Adornos musikalischen Schriften (will be published in 2023)
- Pop-Nachbarschaften 3.0: Stil und Milieu bei Joshua Groß, Christian Kracht und Sibylle Berg, in: Stephanie Catani, Christoph Kleinschmidt (eds.): Popliteratur 3.0? Soziale Medien und Gegenwartsliteratur (with Hanna Hamel) (will be published in 2023)
- Einleitung: Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, in: Sprache und Literatur 51.1 (2022) = Neue Nachbarschaften: Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, ed. by Pola Groß and Hanna Hamel, 1–17 (with Hanna Hamel)
- “Die Sätze müssen lyrisch gebaut sein, sonst finde ich die nicht gut.” Rhetorik und Stil in der Gegenwartsdramatik von Thomas Köck, Enis Maci und Wolfram Höll, in: Interjekte 14 (2022): Stil und Rhetorik. Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten, ed. by Eva Geulen and Melanie Möller, 78–95
- Stil und Haltung – Wolfgang Kayser, in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 140 (2021), special issue: Der Stil der Literaturwissenschaft, ed. by Eva Geulen and Claude Haas, 123–140
- “Eigentümlicher Denkzauber” und die “Aura der Begriffe.” Zum Zusammenhang von (Denk-)Stil, Sprache, Literatur und Interpretation bei Ludwik Fleck, in: Scientia Poetica 24 (2020), 255–288
- Sehnsucht nach Stil (um 1900), in: Faltblatt zum ZfL Jahresthema 2020/21: EPOCHENWENDEN and in: ZfL Blog, 18 Nov 2020
- Neue Nachbarschaften? Stil und Social Media in der Gegenwartsliteratur, in: ZfL Blog, 17 Mar 2020 (with Hanna Hamel)
- Stilisierung zum Kuschel-Philosophen. Zur Rezeption von Adornos “Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus,” in: ZfL Blog, 27 Jan 2020
Pola Groß: Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, main building, Bauteil C/Fanny Hensel-Saal
Pola Groß: Mit Stil gegen Stil. Überlegungen zu einer Schlüsselkategorie bei Adorno