Karlheinz Barck †, Martin Fontius, Friedrich Wolfzettel, Burkhart Steinwachs (ed./eds.)
Ästhetische Grundbegriffe
Historisches Wörterbuch in sieben Bänden
[Basic concepts of aesthetics. Historical Dictionary in seven volumes]
Vol. 6: Tanz to Zeitalter/Epoche
J. B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar 2005, 810 pages
ISBN 978-3-476-01744-4
From Absenz to Zeitalter/Epoche , this encyclopedia contains 170 articles written by 150 renowned scholars. Starting from the present and its media world, the respective development of concepts is shown in a European cultural comparison. In the foreground are those epochs which are marked by the formation of the system of arts, the birth of aesthetics as a discipline and the emergence of the art philosophy of German idealism. As a reference book, this historical dictionary not only provides valuable services for teachers and students. Especially at a time of accelerating cultural change and the global opening of all areas of life and experience, this work is aimed at all those who wish to deal with the concepts of aesthetics.
In German.