Denise Reimann

Auftakte der Bioakustik
Zur Wissensgeschichte nichtmenschlicher Stimmen um 1800 und 1900
[The Beginnings of Bioacoustics. On the History of Knowledge of Non-Human Voices around 1800 and 1900]

de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2022, 461 pages
ISBN 978-3-1107-2666-4 (Print); 978-3-1107-2765-4 (E-Book)

The late 18th century sees a rising interest in the voice, especially in its manifestations on the edges and beyond human conditions of articulation and perception. Physiology, linguistic anthropology, media technology, and literature enter into an intense exchange as they explore the vocal expressions of animals. This study traces the historical conditions and cultural interferences of bioacoustics avant la lettre.


Bücher im Gespräch

Episode 13: Stimme, Klang, Musik

For our podcast, Frauke Fitzner and Denise Reimann talked about their books Der hörende Mensch in der Moderne [The Listener in Modernity] (Wallstein 2021) and Auftakte der Bioakustik [The Beginnings of Bioacoustics] (de Gruyter 2022). [in German]

Media Response

22 Nov 2023
Auftakte der Bioakustik. Zur Wissensgeschichte nichtmenschlicher Stimmen um 1800 und 1900

Review by Pamela Steen, in: Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (2023)