Hannes Bajohr, Eva Geulen (ed./eds.)

Blumenbergs Verfahren
Neue Zugänge zum Werk
[Blumenberg’s Methods]

Wallstein, Göttingen 2022, 416 pages
ISBN 978-3-8353-5122-6

With his theories of the myth, the metaphor, and of epochal upheaval as well as with its technophilosophical reflections, thoughts on literary theory, and literary glosses, Hans Blumenberg’s body of work happens to be exceptionally diverse. Instead of concentrating on singular basic ideas, the contributions in this volume approach this diversity by focusing on strategies and techniques, on methodological approaches and tactical shifts in perspective. They are interested in Blumenberg’s methods.

They analyze aspects such as the metaphorologist’s use of metaphors and his preference for implicative approaches, the impossible measuring of the horizon, and the abandonment of theory as a mode of theoretical practice. In what way does Blumenberg approach the realities in which we live? How is his work on meaning put into practice? And which of these methods can still be applied today and expanded upon?

With contributions by Hannes Bajohr, Rüdiger Campe, Johannes Endres, Sebastian Feil, Petra Gehring, Eva Geulen, Anselm Haverkamp, Felix Heidenreich, Katharina Hertfelder, Wolfgang Hottner, Niklaus Largier, Christoph Paret, Birgit Recki, and Christine Weder.


International Symposion at the Akademie der Künste
10 Oct 2019 – 12 Oct 2019

New Approaches to Hans Blumenberg

Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

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