Christina Ernst, Stefan Schweigler, Georg Vogt (ed./eds.)

Mediale Prozesse unter dem Regenbogen
[Pride. Medial Processes under the Rainbow]

Lumen-Verein für Lokalgeschichtsschreibung und Medienkompetenz, Wien/Groß-Enzersdorf 2022, 177 pages
DOI 10.25365/phaidra.267_00

This book project, which originated from the EuroPride Vienna 2019 and the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, develops approaches to pride parades that cross the framework of media, humans, bodies, gender, sexuality, and protest from the perspective of cultural and media studies. Thus, the twelve contributions to this volume do not claim to offer a chronological media history of pride parades or a comprehensive historicization of the term “queer” in the context of protests. Instead, they look at a number of phenomena to selectively and exemplarily demonstrate the way in which various partial aspects of a broad concept of queerness and the political subject areas linked to it are discussed, questioned, contested, discarded, remembered, defended, or claimed in the context of medial processes.