Sich Heimat erschreiben
Zur Konstruktion von Heimat und Fremde in Einar Schleefs »Gertrud«
[To write one's home. On the construction of Home and Foreign in Einar Schleef's “Gertrud”]

LiteraturForschung vol. 16
Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin 2012, 332 pages
ISBN 978-3-86599-181-2

Einar Schleef is one of the most outstanding theatre directors of the 1990s. His plays polarized, were uncomfortable and demanded maximum concentration from the audience. He was both celebrated and cursed. Less well known, however, was the fact that he was also active as a writer and that here too he was overflowing and uncompromising. It was only after his death in 2001 that his epic works became increasingly known to a wider audience. Einar Schleef's »semi-documentary family or homeland novel« Gertrud, written in the years after his “escape from the Republic” in 1976, is the sheer endless stream of memories of an old woman born and living in Sangerhausen, Gertrud (Trude) Schleef, born Hoffmann, who has spread over almost a thousand pages. She is the author's mother, who (through Schleef's mouthpiece) tells her life in a constant succession of monologues, letters and diary notes. When the first volume is printed in front of him, Schleef writes in his diary: “Mother, I have built you a pyramid, just gravel on top of each other. For a German family tragedy.”


24 Jan 2015 · 3.45 pm

Halina Hackert: Sich Heimat erschreiben. Heimat und Fremde in Einar Schleefs »Gertrud«

Kaffeehaus Kolditz, Bahnhofstr. 44, 06526 Sangerhausen

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Media Response

17 Nov 2014
Gegengedächtnislogorrhoe. Halina Hackert liest Einar Schleefs »Gertrud« als ethnologische Quelle

Review by Christian Luckscheiter, in:, 17 Nov 2014

24 Jun 2014
Sich Heimat erschreiben. Zur Konstruktion von Heimat und Fremde in Einar Schleefs »Gertrud«

Review by Anna Häusler, in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik 3 (2014), 685–686

14 Jun 2014
»Erinnern ist Arbeit«. Eine Studie zu Einar Schleefs Roman Gertrud

Review by Britta Caspers, in: IASL online, 14 Jun 2014

28 Jun 2013
Deutung eines monologischen Monuments

Review by Kai Agthe, in: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 28 Jun 2013

23 May 2013
Mit allen Einzelheiten

Review by Wolfgang Behrens, in:, May 2013