Hannes Bajohr, Rieke Trimҫev (ed./eds.)

Themenheft zur politischen Theorie von Judith N. Shklar
[Special Issue on Judith N. Shklar’s Political Theory]

ZPTh – Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie, Jahrgang 9, Heft 2/2018
Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen-Opladen 2018

In Germany, for a long time, the political theorist and historian of ideas Judith N. Shklar (1928–1992) was known almost exclusively for her book On Injustice, translated into German in 1992. In the USA, on the other hand, the slogan “liberalism of fear” was regarded as the summa of her work. It was a selection of her writings published in 1998 that laid the foundations for broader academic reception, and despite its slow start, it has reached a new phase in recent years. By now, one can even speak of a cautious canonization of Shklar. This becomes evident in many ways, from a sudden surge in translations into various languages to the fact that an estate edition such as the recent On Political Obligation, which includes Shklar’s last ever lecture, would have been unthinkable just ten years ago.

Read the full text version of the Editorial by Hannes Bajohr, Rieke Trimҫev [in German, PDF]