Transnationale Auswärtige Kulturpolitik – Jenseits der Nationalkultur
Voraussetzungen und Perspektiven der Verschränkung von Innen und Außen
[Transnational foreign cultural policy—Beyond national culture. Prerequisites and perspectives for the intersection of domestic and foreign policy]
An overview of the development of the German foreign cultural and educational policy (FCEP). The analysis of rhetoric, terminology, and different cultural concepts form the foundation for a discussion on the contemporary FCEP, a policy committed to global regulatory objectives. It acts in a dialogue with partner countries and relies on the cooperation with actors from civil society, both domestically and internationally.
Intercultural politics in both domestic and foreign cultural policy go hand in hand. In this context, the greatest obstacle on the path towards a globally effective FCEP in terms of regulatory policy is the German development policy’s loss of credibility as well as the EU’s developmental policy’s insufficient reflection on the legacy of colonial history. Contrary to the postcolonial rejection of the nation state, this study argues for a strengthening of democratic and constitutional structures.