Abschlussveranstaltung der International Summer School 2014: »Synthetic Biology. Concepts, Values and Politics«

Videos von den Vorträgen und der öffentlichen Diskussion Synthetic Biology. Concepts, Values and Politics (Abschlussveranstaltung der International Summer School 2014: Analyzing the Societal Dimensions of Synthetic Biology) am 19.9.2014 im ICI Berlin

  • Introduction by Kristin Hagen (EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment GmbH)
  • Talk by Sheref S. Mansy (Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Centre for Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Italy)
  • Talk by Röbbe Wünschiers (Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany)
  • Talk by Margret Engelhard (EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment GmbH)
  • Talk by Arnold Sauter (Deputy Head of the Office of Technology Assessment (TAB) at the German Bundestag and Leader of the TAB project Synthetic Biology)
  • Talk by Inna Kouper (research scientist at Indiana University, Pervasive Technology Institute)
  • Panel discussion

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siehe auch Fotos von der Summer School


Videos: © ICI Berlin

Synthetic Biology. Concepts, Values and Politics

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