Previous Events

Our archive catalogues the last 12 months of events. Older events may be found through the general search feature.

Annual Meeting of the Working Group “The Cultural Study of Periodicals”
27 Jun 2024 – 28 Jun 2024
Serialität und Komposition
24 Jun 2024 · 7.00 pm
Welt in Aufruhr, Gesellschaft im Umbruch?
Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled!
24 Jun 2024 · 6.30 pm
Kai Kauffmann (Universität Bielefeld): Klopstock! Eine Biographie
Workshop (external)
20 Jun 2024 – 21 Jun 2024
Ecological Perspectives on the Nexus Rerum
Panel discussion
17 Jun 2024 · 7.00 pm
Georgien zwischen Widerstand und Isolation
Interdisciplinary workshop with a literary reading (external)
13 Jun 2024 – 14 Jun 2024
Deep Time: (Durch) geologische Zeit erzählen und erklären