Presentation of the web portal
14 Nov 2023 · 6.00 pm

Hannah Arendt digital

Venue: Freie Universität Berlin, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities,” Room 00.05, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 15, 14195 Berlin
Organized by Hannah Gerlach (FU Berlin)

In 2020, the Complete Works and Critical Edition of Hannah Arendt’s works received the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) long-term funding. Its editors are Anne Eusterschulte (FU Berlin), Eva Geulen (ZfL), Barbara Hahn (Vanderbilt University/FU Berlin), Hermann Kappelhoff (FU Berlin), Patchen Markell (Cornell University), Annette Vowinckel (ZZF Potsdam), and Thomas Wild (Bard College, New York).

Starting in November 2023, Arendt’s texts will also be made available digitally—with the launch of a web portal to the edition. Thus, Arendt’s texts become accessible in their entirety for the first time, in a scholarly secured edition including thousands of unpublished pages from her estate; in the web portal, this will start with Arendt’s early work Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin / The Life of a Jewish Woman, the collection Sechs Essays / Die verborgene Tradition (Six Essays / The Hidden Tradition), and Arendt’s unfinished project The Modern Challenge to Tradition.

Additionally, the portal will make available numerous typoscripts and complementary documents from Arendt’s writing workshop; these too, like the printed texts, in different views including facsimiles, with comprehensive commentary, enhancing metadata, and in all versions—a treasure box for all Arendt scholars and those interested in her work who want to experience the development of her texts and the entire diversity of her work.

The portal, its functions, and its embedded tools will be presented by Ingo Kieslich (FU Berlin) and Fabian Etling (CeDiS, FU Berlin). Anne Eusterschulte (FU Berlin) and Thomas Wild (Bard College, New York) will provide an introduction into the entire project.

Please register in advance at until 8 Nov 2023 at the latest.

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6.15 pm
Introduction and welcoming

6.20 pm
Greeting by Bart Soethaert, moderator of the Research Area 5 “Building Digital Communities,” EXC 2020

6.30 pm
Introduction to the complete edition (Anne Eusterschulte & Thomas Wild)

6.40 pm
Introduction of the web portal: edition concept, texts & tools (Fabian Etling & Ingo Kieslich)

7.20 pm