Hannah Arendt—Complete Works. Critical Edition, vol. 4.1: Kleine Schriften I

This critical edition is the first publication to present all of Hannah Arendt’s published and unpublished works in a philologically reliable scholarly edition with critical commentary.

Hannah Arendt composed distinct English and German versions of nearly all of her books and many of her essays. This critical edition makes the fundamentally plural dimension of her works visible and accessible as never before.

The editors are Anne Eusterschulte (Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin), Eva Geulen (Director, Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin), Barbara Hahn (Literary studies, Vanderbilt University/Freie Universität Berlin), Hermann Kappelhoff (Film and Media studies, Freie Universität Berlin), Patchen Markell (Political Theory, Cornell University, New York), Annette Vowinckel (History, Leibniz Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam), and Thomas Wild (Literary studies, Bard College, New York).

The critical edition has been conceived as a technologically innovative hybrid, appearing in both print and digital forms, which is particularly appropriate to Arendt’s plural corpus. Taken together, the print books and the web portal, each with its own strengths, enhance the potential of both media.


funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2019

Head researchers: Anne Eusterschulte (FU Berlin), Eva Geulen (ZfL)
Associate researcher: Friederike Wein (FU Berlin)

see also


Already published volumes of the edition:


Eva Geulen


Celebration, Book Launch “The Life of the Mind” & Reading
23 Apr 2024

“Sagen, was ist”

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Presentation of the web portal
14 Nov 2023 · 6.00 pm

Hannah Arendt digital

Freie Universität Berlin, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities,” Room 00.05, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 15, 14195 Berlin

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15 Feb 2023 · 2.00 pm

Eva Geulen: Revolution between Beginning and Founding

ICI Berlin, Christinenstr. 18–19, Haus 8, 10119 Berlin

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18 Nov 2022

Eva Geulen: Wer spricht? Überlegungen zur Darstellungslogik von Arendts Essayistik

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Toni-Areal, Hörsaal 1, Ebene 3, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich

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16 Sep 2022 · 10.15 am

Friederike Wein: Interpretation als ›Für-sich-selbst-sprechen-lassen‹. Hannah Arendts Essays zu Nathalie Sarraute und Robert Gilbert

Hilton Americas Houston, 1600 Lamar, Houston, TX 77010, USA

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05 May 2022 · 12.00 pm

Mittagssalon… mit Eva Geulen

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin

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14 Oct 2021 · 10.00 am

“Common Sense und Ideologie” (Response by Eva Geulen)

Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, IG Farben Building, Eisenhower Room, 1.314

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09 Feb 2021 · 2.00 pm

Eva Geulen: Hannah Arendt über die Lüge in Politik und Kunst

online via Zoom

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Lecture and discussion
14 Oct 2020 · 3.00 pm

Eva Geulen: Hannah Arendt und die Freundschaft – Briefreigen

Deutsches Historisches Museum, Museumscafé, Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin

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Event Series: Digital*Humanities im Gespräch
09 Jan 2020 · 2.00 pm

Hannah Arendt – Kritische Gesamtausgabe

Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Rostlaube, Seminarzentrum, Raum L 115

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Media Response

22 Jun 2020
Denken ohne Geländer

Hannah Arendt war eine der wichtigsten Denkerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. An der Freien Universität Berlin kommt die erste kritische Gesamtausgabe ihrer Schriften heraus.
Newspaper article by Leonard Fischl, in: Tagesspiegel, 22 Jun 2020

20 Apr 2020
De-Centering Arendt: On the First Edition of Hannah Arendt’s Complete Works

Review by Jana V. Schmidt, in: LARB | Los Angeles Review of Books, 20 Apr 2020


09 Feb 2021 Audio
“Hannah Arendt über die Lüge in Politik und Kunst”
Lecture by Eva Geulen as part of the lecture series “Berliner Kulturwissenschaft” (Berlin Cultural Studies) at the Department for Cultural History and Theory at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Audio: © Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, HU Berlin

14 Oct 2020 Audio
“Hannah Arendt an Heinrich Blücher, 18.09.1937”
Eva Geulen talks to Matthias Bormuth
Lecture and talk accompanying the exhibition “Hannah Arendt und das 20. Jahrhundert” at Deutsches Historisches Museum
© Deutsches Historisches Museum

30 Jul 2018 Video
Eva Geulen über Hannah Arendt über Walter Benjamin
Eva Geulen recommends for the Second Reading the portrait of Walter Benjamin written by Hannah Arendt. The text was published in 1968 in the journal Merkur in three parts and takes a unique perspective on the figure of Benjamin. A conversation with the Merkur editors Ekkehard Knörer and Christian Demand. [in German]

27 Mar 2018 Video
Hannah Arendt und der Ursprung totalitärer Herrschaft
A talk with Philipp Felsch and Eva Geulen [in German]
Video of the event at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden
© Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden