Black and white photo of several very thick stacks of magazines close together from the side view. Together they form a wavy pattern.
Annual Meeting of the Working Group “The Cultural Study of Periodicals”
18 Mar 2021 · 10.00 am

The Cultural Study of Periodicals

Venue: online via Zoom
Contact: Moritz Neuffer, Barbara Picht, Anke Jaspers
Research project(s): The Cultural Study of Periodicals

Please register via by 01 Mar 2021. Admission dates for the Zoom meeting will be sent out a few days before the event.



Thursday, 18 Mar 2021, 10.00–12.45

1. Welcome and introduction of the working group

2. Joshua Klein (Basel): “Merkur 1947. Redaktionsarbeit in der Besatzungszeit”

3. Andreas Lipowsky (ZfL): Literaturzeitschriften der Gegenwart

4. Oliver Scheiding (Mainz): Presentation of the research group “Transnational Periodical Cultures”

ca. 11.30 Break

5. Nora Ramtke (Bochum): Forschungsgruppe “Journalliteratur” und ESPRit-Konferenz

6. Zeitschriftenanalyse in der Lehre: Report by Philipp Pabst (Münster) and exchange

7. Discussion on the future of the working group “The Cultural Study of Periodicals”


Fig. above: Dirk Naguschewski