Lecture in the context of the exhibition “BACK TO FUTURE. Technikvisionen zwischen Fiktion und Realität”
18 Jan 2022 · 6.30 pm

Matthias Schwartz: Der Weg zu den Sternen. Zukunftsvisionen in sozialistischer Science-Fiction

Venue: Museum für Kommunikation, Leipziger Str. 16, 10117 Berlin

Lecture in the context of the exhibition BACK TO FUTURE. Technikvisionen zwischen Fiktion und Realität (3 Dec 2021 – 28 Aug 2022) at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

Following the first artificial earth satellite in 1957 and Yuri Gagarin’s flight into near-Earth space in 1961, a new optimism regarding technology and science arose in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Such new optimism saw the realization of communism by the end of the millennium as a realistic prospect. And it was especially the genre of science fiction that provided such visions of the future that shape our imagination of man, the cosmos, progress, and space travel until today.

The slavist and historian Matthias Schwartz is head of the program area World Literature and the project World/Fiction, Post/Socialist.


Fig. above: Cover of the journal Tekhnika – Molodezhi 10 (1961) (detail)

Media Response

01 Feb 2022
Zu den Sternen

Review by Stefanie Retzlaff, in: Neues Deutschland, 1 Feb 2022