09 Aug 2021 – 13 Aug 2021

Matthias Schwartz: “Diener des Volkes”. Populärkulturen und Populismus im digitalen Zeitalter

Venue: online
Research project(s): World Fiction, Post/Socialist

Seminar as part of the XXV. Greifswald Ukrainian Summer School: “(Ze)Ukraine: Challenges of Hybridity,” organized by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald and the University of Greifswald, funded by the von der Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, Essen, 9–21 Aug 2021

The slavist and historian Matthias Schwartz is head of the program area World Literature and the project World/Fiction, Post/Socialist.


Seminar schedule

Monday, 9 Aug 2021 – Friday, 13 Aug 2021, 15.30–17.00

  • Inna Melnykovska (Budapest): Quo vadis ZeUkraine? Демократія з вадами, капіталізм з любими друзями та суспільство стартапівe
  • Matthias Schwartz (ZfL): “Diener des Volkes”. Populärkulturen und Populismus im digitalen Zeitalter

see full program